Post Title: Jongdali & Boritdan: Inviting Spring with our Abundant Pheasant Feast

About the Restaurant

Welcome to “Jongdaliwaboritdan” (종달이와보릿단), a charming restaurant nestled in the heart of Sangju City in North Gyeongsang Province. Known for its healthy and vibrant dishes made from wild plants abundant in the mountains and fields, Jongdaliwaboritdan is a haven for anyone who relishes nutritious, farm-to-table dining.

Location and Operation Hours

You can find Jongdaliwaboritdan at 110-8, Cheonbongseo-ro, Sangju-si, North Gyeongsang Province (경상북도 상주시 천봉서로 110-8). The restaurant is open from 10:00 to 21:00, and is closed every Tuesday and Wednesday. If you have any inquiries, you can reach them at 054-536-9919.

Their Promise

The restaurant’s slogan, “Spring-calling abundant Puseonggui Feast,” (봄을 부르는 풍성한 푸성귀한상) summarizes what they stand for – serving hearty meals that evoke the feeling of spring. Their dishes, characterized by the rich, refreshing aroma of mountain vegetables, serve as a vitamin boost for both body and soul, especially during the languid spring season. Jongdaliwaboritdan aims to be a relaxing pit stop where you can recharge amidst the freshness of spring.

Feast Your Eyes

  • Jongdaliwaboritdan
  • Jongdaliwaboritdan

These images provide a glimpse into the Jongdaliwaboritdan dining experience. From the vibrant dishes to the rustic ambiance, it’s clear that this is a restaurant that prides itself on delivering a rich gastronomic journey inspired by nature.